
A Permission screen under Role is a collection of security settings that one or more users share. Before creating a Roles,you can analyse the types of employees you have and can decide who will need access to the software and what features/functions they will need to use in the software. For example, your company may have 5 supervisors who all need access to the same functions. Instead of setting up each user and assigning these functions individually, you will assign them to a Role.

The permission screen will display the list of modules along with a short description and following checkboxes which allows you to restrict the user from certain functionalities.


List of Modules:





Add Inventory

Add quantity to items in your inventory

Allow Access

Transaction -> Add

The option will be hidden on the view item ‘Context Menu’

Adjust Inventory

Make inventory adjustments

Allow Access

Transaction -> Adjust

The option will be hidden on the view item ‘Context Menu’



Allow Access, Create, Edit, Delete

Lookups -> Adjust Reason Code.
It’s a lookup used on Adjust transaction. 


Perform an audit transaction on the items

Allow Access

Audit -> Audit

Audit Reconcile

Confirm results from an audit.

Allow Access

Audit -> Reconcile

Audit Window

Audit Window is used to organize audits by date

Allow Access, Create, Edit, Delete

Audit -> Audit Window


Build Assembly Items from existing inventory

Allow Access, Create, Edit, Delete

Products -> Build


A general classification for items

Allow Access, Create, Edit, Delete

Lookups -> Categories

Change Company Details

Make changes to the Company Details

Allow Access, Create, Edit, Delete

Settings -> Company Details

Check In

Mark that an item has been returned

Allow Access

Transaction -> Check In

The option will be hidden on the view item ‘Context Menu’

Check Out

Mark that an item has been temporarily checked out

Allow Access

Transactions -> Check Out

The option will be hidden on the view item ‘Context Menu’


The current state of an Items

Allow Access, Create, Edit, Delete

Lookups -> Condition

Custom Field

Define custom fields

Allow Access, Create, Edit, Delete

This permission is to restrict user from CRUD custom fields

Custom View

Create and manage global custom views

Allow Access

Settings ->  Manage View


A consumer of items

Allow Access, Create, Edit, Delete

Lookups -> Customer

Form Customization

Customize form labels

Allow Access, Create, Edit, Delete

Settings -> Form Customization


Import is used to insert data from another system into InventoryCloud. It is recommended that you turn off any notifications that are triggered when something is created.

Allow Access

Settings -> Import Data


The main piece of information tracked in the software

Allow Access, Create, Edit, Delete

Item -> (All items: Inventory, Non inventory, Assembly, Kit & Service)


Where an item can be found

Allow Access, Create, Edit, Delete

Lookups -> Locations

The button will be hidden on the New/Edit Inventory, Assembly on the Location tab.


The creator of an item

Allow Access, Create, Edit, Delete

Lookups -> Manufacturer

Mobile Login

Allows an user to use the Inventory Control realtime app on a mobile device.

Allow Access

Access to Android/Window/Ios 


Move an item from one location to another

Allow Access

Transaction -> Move

The option will be hidden on the view item ‘Context Menu’


Manage notifications

Allow Access, Create, Edit, Delete

Settings -> Notifications

Pay Method

Manage Pay Methods

Allow Access, Create, Edit, Delete

Lookups -> Pay Method


Remove inventory by picking items

Allow Access

Pick Order -> Pick

Pick Order

Pick Orders are orders that you create when inventory is requested by a customer and needs to be picked from your warehouse, store, storage facility, etc and shipped to the customer.

Allow Access, Create, Edit, Delete

Pick Order -> New Pick Order

Price Tier

A promotional tool that lets you price items differently for different categories or customers.

Allow Access, Create, Edit, Delete

Settings -> Price Tier

The button will be hidden on the New/Edit Inventory/Assembly/Kit on the Prices tab.

Purchase Order

Use Purchase Order to order Inventory from Vendors

Allow Access, Create, Edit, Delete

Purchase Order -> New Purchase Order


Receive inventory from issued purchase order

Allow Access

Purchase -> Receive

Remove Inventory

Remove quantity of any item in inventory

Allow Access

Transactions -> Remove

The option will be hidden on the view item ‘Context Menu’


View all reports

Allow Access - 97 report(s), Delete

Reports -> All Reports

Report Schedules

Manage report schedules

Allow Access, Create, Edit, Delete

Reports -> Scheduled Reports


Defines a set of roles

Allow Access, Create, Edit, Delete

Manage -> Roles


View or edit system Settings

Allow Access, Edit


Shipping Order

Reserved. Look for future improvements to the Pick order process.

Allow Access, Create, Edit, Delete

Lookups -> Shipping Order

Show Pick Order Sales Price

Show all price related items on pick order.

Allow Access

Pick Order > View Pick Orders

Show Receive Cost

 Show cost information during receiving.

Allow Access

Pick Order > View Pick Orders


A group of locations

Allow Access, Create, Edit, Delete

Lookups -> Site

The button will be hidden on the on the New/Edit location. 

Transaction History

A list of all transactions done in the system

Allow Access

Transactions -> History

Unit of measure

UOM allows you to assign units of measure to your items

Allow Access, Create, Edit, Delete

Settings -> Units of Measure

This button will be hidden on the New Inventory/Non Inventory/Assembly/Kit/Service – General tab. 

Universal Order

Universal Order privilege is for internal order processing. Enable this if the role requires access to any other order functionality.

Allow Access



Someone who will be using the application.

Allow Access, Create, Edit, Delete

Manage -> Users


A seller of items

Allow Access, Create, Edit, Delete

Lookps -> Vendor

The button will be hidden on the New Inventory -> vendor tab 


View build Orders

Allow Access, Create, Edit, Delete

Products -> View Build Order


A set of locations can be grouped into a zone

Allow Access, Create, Edit, Delete

Lookups -> Zone