Transaction History

The Transaction History screen displays all recent transactions.

Accessing Transaction History Screen


Accessing Transaction History Screen

  1. Click on the Transactions > History.

  1. The Transaction History screen will appear.

  1. By default, the lookup page displays 20 items per page. Scroll through the pages using the navigation buttons at the bottom of the screen. Change the number of items listed on each page using the drop down menu.

Note: You can change the numbers in the drop down on the Options page.

  1. Show Filter: When you click on the Show filter checkbox, a text box will appear under each field where you can type the search text to find the desired detail.

  1. Export - This option allows you to export the history transaction to an Excel spreadsheet. You can export up to 25000 records and also allows you to customize the list as needed using filters/custom views/grouping and then export the information to Excel. Filter the list as needed, then select the Export icon - . The report will get downloaded and can be accessed from the icon at the bottom of the screen. Click on the icon and select Open to view the report. You can save or alter the report as needed in Excel.